Corridor (Night Version)
Corridor (Night Version)
Meeting room (Day Version)
Meeting room (Day Version)
HUB (Night Version)
HUB (Night Version)
Login Room (Sunset version only)
Login Room (Sunset version only)
The goal of this project is to apply for jobs at Abylsen. In all Ynov Schools there will be VR terminals where the students will be able to jump into and then visit the virtual worlds,apply for a job and schedule an appointment in VR to meet Abylsen employees.
In the future there will be minigames and more interaction with the employees.
More details about this 6 week rush :

Week 1:
I started to set up the UnrealEngine5 project making sure it matched VR standarts, I also made the file structure of it to have a good organisation and pipeline.

While the concept artist was starting to produce I was setting up master shaders optimized for VR. (Diffuse Opaque Master, Glass Shader Master, Foliage Shader)
The glass shader uses fake reflections to save some power. (Cubemaps/SphericalReflections)
Week 2:
According to the art direction going into futuristic environments, I started creating another shader for a virtual dome, I also created some material functions to add pixels to screens and other surfaces to give a little bit of realism.
It worked pretty well especially for the dome, since the pixels we saw was attached to the surface but the "fake" environment was detached, a bit like "Titanfall 2 Into the Abyss" fake environments.
Later in the week I polished most of my shaders, and added some variants, like holographic screens.

Week 3:
I started the integration of some of the produced assets, then I imported 3D models of optimized trees for VR.
I created the water shader that works only with a single normal map input.
I started to import the meeting room, wich was our first room integration. I had to start working on the Lighting, while having VR limitations.
I tried half baked lighting, fully baked lighting, to see what suited the best, and I took the fully baked option without any dynamic shadow casts.
I also made a blueprint for the Bean bags, wich aimed to help level artist (Place them, then adjust color directly inside the blueprint)
Week 4:
More integration of 3D models.
I started creating shader instances for the meta human body such as the holographic part.
Since Abylsen wanted a Day/Night cycle, I had to create a system that loads Day baked lights and Night Baked lights, so each map had a "3D Models map" a "Day Lighting map" and "Night Lighting map" Then the player switch whenever he wants.
Lots of polishing to existing assets/maps.
Created a new system that teleports the player across levels with a seamless transition.
Week 5:
This week I we had a lot of problems with the laser that helps the player interacts with its environment. It was coded in such a way that wasn't optimized.
I reworked most of the Epic's default VR template code to allow switching the laser from left hand to right when the players wants. While also keeping it and only shorten it when an UI is selected.
This rework too a lot of time, most of the week was dedicated to this because the work of the other developper was based on the old system.
I also reworked the animations on the small meeting rooms and allowed them to be instanciable.
Week 6:
I started to teach to a first year student how to use unreal for integrating assets on the pipeline I had made. It consisted of importing, instancing from master shaders, adjusting the variables to make the assets look right.
On my side I started creating other blueprints for level artists, such as combining sets of objects to be instanciable in levels. I started creating the sound system and also finding / integrating sounds to make the experience more enjoyable.
I did a lot of polishing, added more videos, and made an overall stress test.
To finish I built the navigation system while adjusting some areas to prevent the player to go out of bounds.

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